Top 10 Free Founder's Toolkit Templates in Notion

Having a Founder's Toolkit is crucial for entrepreneurs as it provides a structured approach to building and scaling a business. It helps in organizing thoughts, strategies, and tasks, ensuring that nothing important is overlooked. A Founder's Toolkit template in Notion can streamline this process by offering pre-built frameworks and resources tailored to the needs of startup founders.

Before you get started in creating your own Founder's Toolkit, you should check out these Founder's Toolkit Notion templates below to help make it easier.

1Entrepreneurial Operating System

Many companies have implemented EOS and had positive results, allowing them to scale.

I was trying to get a free EOS template for notion, but there is no one, so I created mine based on the books.

With this one, other company founders can try EOS in a simple way without paying for something they don't know if it's going to work for them.

Aperçu du modèle de Entrepreneurial Operating System


The first part of starting an online business is to find your niche. First, you need to identify your niche by looking at yourself in the mirror. What are you good at? What have you experienced in life? Second, find some role models in your niche to take inspiration from and figure out your twist (what makes you unique).

Aperçu du modèle de FIND YOUR NICHE

3One-Page Business Plan

The One-Page Business Plan is a pre-made template that you can fill out and utilize. It assists you in understanding your business better and crafting a plan for the future.

Gain Business Clarity: Create a Vision for Success

Aperçu du modèle de One-Page Business Plan

4Pack start-up

Le pack start-up contient tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour démarrer sur Notion. Une collection de pages Notion qui vous aidera à construire et à organiser votre entreprise de l’idéation à la croissance. Couvrant de multiples cas d’utilisation, les modèles sont organisés en fonction du parcours fondateur afin que vous puissiez trouver rapidement ce qui vous convient le mieux. Si vous êtes un nouvel utilisateur de Notion, postulez pour notre programme pour les start-up sur, et obtenez jusqu’à 6 mois gratuits avec IA illimité !

Aperçu du modèle de Pack start-up

5Générateur de pitch via l’IA

Vous n’êtes pas sûr de savoir comment commencer le pitch pour votre start-up ou votre produit ? Démarrez avec Notion AI.

Rédigez le récit parfait qui vous aidera à décrocher votre prochaine levée de fonds et à donner confiance à vos investisseurs.

Aperçu du modèle de Générateur de pitch via l’IA

6Startup school OS

If you’re an aspiring founder, startup operator, or looking to deep dive into the startup world then YC Startup School is the best place for you to learn. is launching this template to help you make the best out of the program!

The Startup School OS is a supercharged operating system to organize and automate your learning experience. It allows you to organize, manage and stay on top of the progress of the program, all with time-saving automations so you can actually focus on building your startup.

Aperçu du modèle de Startup school OS

7Build your first start up with 3 AI prompts

The Template long description is a comprehensive resource that emphasizes the significance of leveraging AI prompts in the process of building startups. It highlights the benefits of AI prompts, including rapid idea generation, enhanced creativity, efficient decision-making, targeted problem solving, streamlined planning and execution, accelerated iteration and validation, data-driven insights, and scalability and growth. The template offers step-by-step instructions and prompts for three crucial phases: conceptualizing a business, creating a Lean Business Model Canvas, and designing a landing page mockup. Additionally, it provides additional tips and prompts for defining vision and mission, identifying target audience, refining value proposition, creating a business model, designing a marketing strategy, developing a minimum viable product, and planning for growth and scalability.

Aperçu du modèle de Build your first start up with 3 AI prompts

8LEAN Market discovery

I've originally built it for myself and then iterated on it when I was working with another company that was looking to explore a new market.

The template includes a set of databases and templates that streamline the market discovery process on the basis of the business model canvas (BMC) used in the LEAN startup methodology.

It provides the basic structures for creating your first business model, planning and executing interviews, and capturing insights to iterate on the business model.

Aperçu du modèle de LEAN Market discovery

9Edlyft's product-market fit system

Edlyft is a personalized tutoring platform for STEM students. They use Notion to optimize their product-market fit process. Use their template to run tests consistently and get results fast.

Aperçu du modèle de Edlyft's product-market fit system

10Minimal Business Model Canvas for Notion

The Business Model Canvas is a strategic tool used to visualize a company or startup business model. It helps you imagine, evaluate and refine your value proposition and how you can make money with it.

Aperçu du modèle de Minimal Business Model Canvas for Notion

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